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WWE World Wrestling Entertainment Cruiserweight Championship Belt


Galvanize the spark of your brand marketing with some excellently crafted products that can assist you in reaching your targeted audience exquisitely. The beautiful championship belts we are offering you are perfect tools that can serve you in engaging your audience and promoting your business effectively. The WWE World Wrestling Entertainment Cruiserweight Championship Belt is an ideal item that you can use to advertise your brand and let people know of yourself effectively. The WWE World Wrestling Entertainment Cruiserweight Championship Belt is a modifiable product. You can include your company’s name, brand logo, or even your name on this beautiful product and personalize it the way you desire.


More About this Item:

- Plate Thickness - 2MM & 4MM
- Leather Thickness - 3-4MM
- Real Leather Strap
- Adult Size 50'' Long Leather Strap
- Gold/Dual Plated Plates
- Weight - 2-4Kg
- Tip on  End


The WWE World Wrestling Entertainment Cruiserweight Championship Belt is a high-quality replica of the original belt that you might have seen while watching a wrestling show. Many superstars have carried this stunning champions’ belt while stepping in the ring. Now, you can also present yourself as an iconic star and tease your friends by carrying this belt on your shoulder. The WWE World Wrestling Entertainment Cruiserweight Championship Belt can also be presented to the winner of a wrestling event or sports event. Moreover, you can also present this WWE World Wrestling Entertainment Cruiserweight Championship Belt as a gift to your child on his special day.


So, what are you still searching for? Hurry up, and order this WWE World Wrestling Entertainment Cruiserweight Championship Belt before it’s gone.


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WWE World Wrestling Entertainment Cruiserweight Championship Belt

$150.00 Regular Price
$90.00Sale Price
  • 2 - 3 Business Days

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